
Prof. Alen Lukovic and Prof. Deniz Tekin offer iPad consultation lessons in the library every Monday and Tuesday, 7th period (13.35 – 14.15).
In urgent cases, Mag.a Tamara Gruber or Mag. Thomas Gatterer can also be contacted.

In some cases it may be helpful to visit the official OeAD support site.

Frequently Asked Questions and Known Problems:

Forgotten Device Password
App “Find my”
Family Sharing
Screen Time
Problems with App Download
Broken or Lost Device
School Change


Die Apple-ID setzte sich aus dem Portal-Tirol-Benutzernamen + “” zusammen.
Das Passwort entspricht dem von Portal Tirol. Sollte das Passwort vergessen werden, kann der Klassenvorstand/die Klassenvorständin ein neues vergeben.

Forgotten Device Password

The device password is necessary even when using Touch ID when the device is restarted.
In case the device is still connected to the WLAN, the password can be reset via the internet. Otherwise, the device has to be set up again. Therefore, the device should not be turned off in the meantime if possible.

App "Find my"

Unfortunately, the “Find my” app does not work with managed Apple IDs. Locating the devices is only possible if the device is connected to WiFi.
This is due to technical restrictions or legal requirements (managed Apple ID), over which the school unfortunately has no influence.

Family Sharing

The use of the “Family Sharing” function is not possible with a managed Apple ID.
This is due to technical restrictions or legal requirements (managed Apple ID), over which the school unfortunately has no influence.

Screen Time

Generally, it should be possible for the children to use the iPad at any time and appropriate consumption should be discussed. Since experience shows that this is not always possible, a screen time (time limit) can be set on the iPads. Please make sure that you do not prevent participation in class by imposing too strict restrictions!

Setup instructions:

  1. On your child's device, select “Settings” > “Screen time” > “App & Website activity”. Click on “Turn on App & Website Activity” in the newly opened window.
  2. Tap on “Lock Screen Time Settings” and enter a code that your child does not know. Then enter your OWN Apple ID (if you don't have one, one can be created for free on to allow you to reset the code yourself.
  3. Add the desired settings under “Downtime” and/or “App limits”. For the latter, select the categories (e.g. games or social media) whose apps you want to manage and for which you want to set limits. For app limits, please also select the option “Block at End of Limit”.

Translated with (free version)

Addition from (German):
It is also possible to use “screen time” to set preferences for objectionable content, purchases and downloads and privacy. You can also restrict access to certain apps.

Problems with App Download

Sometimes problems occur when downloading apps. Usually, the problem can be solved by one (or more) of the following steps:

  1. Update the operating system (under Settings -> General -> Software update).
  2. Allow app and book assignment
    In this case a message appears repeatedly on the iPad. Here you have to click on “continue”, which normally redirects you to the settings or the Appstore (see also points 3 and 4)
  3. Enter Apple ID password again
    The password must be re-entered in the settings (note in the right column or click on the name of the child -> iCloud)
  4. Accept app store terms and conditions
    Login to the app store with the school ID (click on the initials/photo in the upper right). The Terms of Contract should then pop up and need to be accepted (if you haven't already).

Attention: Logging in with another (private) Apple ID can lead to problems!

Broken or Lost Device

IIn the event of a loss within the school, the device can usually be located, as it is usually still connected to WiFi. Outside the school, it is usually not possible to locate the device.

In the event of a new purchase/replacement, the device must be registered in the school's administration. For this purpose, please carry out the device check before a possible purchase and then hand over the device before putting it into operation together with the confirmation received through the check to Mag.a Tamara Gruber or Mag. Thomas Gatterer.

Broken device/keyboard/pen:

Please also refer to the explanations of OeAD – Digtiales Lernen: Warranty, Insurance & Repairs.

Pen tips can be purchased via justEDU.
In general, other Active Pens or keyboards can also be used (not necessarily from justEDU or Apple).


Often the household insurance will cover the owner's share (approx. €88) in case of damage. For this purpose, the handover document, which your child received when the equipment was handed out, may be required.
It is therefore recommended by the OeAD to get an additional insurance.
One possibility is the insurance offered by IT-Team.

School Change

Other school -> AGI

If your child has already received a device under the device initiative, a new device cannot be claimed. Since the use of an iPad is mandatory, the device can be exchanged, for example, through the Device Exchange.
If you decide to purchase a new one, please follow the procedure as stated under Device broken or lost.

AGI -> other school

Please inform Mag.a Tamara Gruber or Mag. Thomas Gatterer to have the device removed from the school's administration. If a transfer to another Austrian school takes place, the device must be reintegrated into the administration there or, if necessary, replaced if a different type of device is used. Please contact the respective school to find out how to do this.