3B's Trip to England

On the 23rd of April we started our journey to England. Our whole class was very excited even though some of us were a bit sad to leave Austria. After arriving at Gatwick airport, we took a bus to Eastbourne. There we were picked up by our hosts whom we spent the next ten days with. It was interesting to see all the different host families.

On our second day we went to London by train. There we had a guide named Jonathan who showed us all the different sights. Everyone had to present one sight, for example Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament, Tower Bridge, Saint Paul’s Cathedral, and the Tower of London.

On the next day, we had our first school day. Our class was very stressed to figure out which bus to take because everyone had different bus stops. The school named Willingdon Community School was very strict, especially about their school uniforms and the use of mobile devices. Each student got an individual timetable, which they had to follow. It was very confusing to find the right classrooms in such a huge and stressful school. Unfortunately, some of our lessons were canceled and no one knew about it. So, we had to go the office and ask for help, but nobody offered us any help.

Every day we had different kinds of entertainment after school, for example a walk to Beachy Head, which was very spooky, a drama workshop, a treasure hunt and a visit to the pier. At the weekend we went to London for the second time and the highlight this time was the London Dungeon. It was a very thrilling experience, because of the actors who played witches, Jack the Ripper and other spooky people. Some of us were really scared, because sometimes needles popped up through the seats and water came down from the ceiling. After the Dungeon we had some free time in Oxford Street where you can find all the famous shops.

On Sunday we went to Brighton, a beautiful town at the seaside. It had a wonderful pier and lovely shops, which we don’t have in Austria. Our class also visited the Sealife Aquarium, which is the oldest Aquarium in the world.

The next three days we attended school, but some of us got ill. On our last day we had to get up early in the morning, at 2pm, because our flight back to Innsbruck departed at 6 o’clock. Some of our classmates were glad to fly back home while others were sad. In the end our class wants to say thank you to our teachers Ms. Nindl and Mr. Hofer that they made such a great effort to make our trip enjoyable. We will never forget it.

Helena, Alina & Siri


International Baccalaureate Visual Arts Diploma Exhibition 2024

In the IB Visual Arts program, students are given 4 hours per week over the course of 2 years to collect material (comprising research into various artists, their own artworks and of course failed art making attempts) to be used in the 3-part assessment program required by the IB. These assessment components are intended to give students the opportunity to show their development as artists. This year, IB Visual arts teacher MMag. Irene Dapunt oversaw a total of 8 students enrolled in the course, who chose either Higher Level (HL) or Standard Level (SL):

Students – 2022/24

The first of the three Visual Arts diploma assessment criteria is the comparative study. Here, students are required to compare and contrast 3 different artworks from different cultural and/or historical background. This is intended to get students to learn how to look at artworks critically and to understand how the intentions of the artists reflect their cultural or historical context.

The process portfolio gives students the ability to reflect upon their own art making by teaching them how to communicate art effectively. Diploma candidates are expected to combine all their work from the 5 terms of the Visual Arts course, including workshops with professional artists, media experimentations, exhibition visits and the stages leading up to the exhibition. Here, they document their artistic skills and development as artists.

The students’ own work in culminates in an exhibition that requires them to compile either 4-7 artworks in Standard Level or 8-11 in Higher Level. In the exhibition, the candidates are required to include 3 media types: 2D forms (like drawing, painting and printmaking), 3D forms (like sculpting and textile art) and lens-based forms (including photography, digital art and animation). A key part of this assessment is a coherent body of work centered around a guiding theme that reflects their interests as individuals and area of focus as artists. As such, students are required to write a comprehensive exhibition text called the curatorial rationale and a short text for each artwork to explain their intentions. This year, we were fortunate enough to be able to install the resolved exhibition artworks in a professional art space called ‘RFDINSEL’ in the heart of Innsbruck in front of the city theatre.

Exhibition Overview Pictures

(Photos by Calin Vrabie)

  1. Ana Vrabie, SL
  2. Beyza Zengin, SL
  3. Florian Reitter, SL
  4. Julian Vorreiter, SL
  5. Kelly Hausmann, SL
  6. Melina Chountala, HL
  7. Philipp Visintainer K., HL
  8. Zoe Nowak, HL

YPAC 2024

Preparation Meeting at the EURAC in Bozen/Bolzano

At this year's Youth Parliament to the Alpine Convention on the topic of “protected natural areas” in Kamnik/Slovenia we are happy that our school is sending a delegation of 7 students with Lukas Kofler (5B), Melanie Wolf (5B), Janoah Eberharter (6B), Rachel Lynham (6B), Emma Augusztinyi (7B), Vita Fink (7B) and Tasin Huq (7I).

During the YPAC plenary week, four committees will work on political solutions in the areas of “biodiversity”, “quality of life”, “climate change” and “cultural heritage”.

In preparation, the delegations from the “Fachoberschule Marie Curie” in Meran/o and the “Liceo Scientifico Leonardo Da Vinci” from Trento and our school under the coordination of Prof. Peter Samuda & Matthias Danninger met at EURAC-Institute for Alpine Environment in Bozen/Bolzano for an input with discussion rounds on the topics of biodiversity and climate change. The three delegations from the Euregio Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino were also able to get to know each other and exchange first ideas before the main parliamentary session is held from 11 to 15 March 2024 in Slovenia.

Ethics Podcast (5B)

(by Mia, Melanie, Francesca & Iris // source of picture: Melissa Lieb ( Lizenz: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 AT)


The Youth Changes – YPAC 2023

In the week of March 6 to 10, the annual Youth Parliament tot he Alpine Convention took place, this year for the first time since 2019 again in-person and hosted by the delegation Sonthofen/Germany. YPAC is the meeting of youth representatives of the Alpine countries in which current problems of the Alpine regions are discussed with the target of finding feasible solutions or improvements. The eight best proposals were proudly presented to a few local politicians at the “Public Market” on Friday.

This year the focus of the Youth Parliament was on “Quality of Life in the Alps”. Based on this theme, four sub-themes to be investigated by four committees, emerged: Tourism, Social Co-Existence, Environmental Challenges and Cultural Life.

The committees worked diligently from day one onwards, starting with brainstorming, which quickly resulted in some good proposals. These were then worked on and refined with great dedication on Wednesday with the texts, the so called “postulations”, evolving.

On Thursday the big General Assembly was held. There, the postulations were discussed with all participants in the district office of the city of Sonthofen and suggestions for improvement were made. The four presidents provided us with a perfect environment for working in a structured and criticizing in focused way.

Despite the short timespan, new and hopefully long-lasting friendships were established between all participating countries. Events such as a karaoke evening and a party gave all of us the opportunity to spend time with people who share the same interests and intentions.

Thanks to the financial support of Land Tirol who made this project possible. After such an effective and interesting week, we are already looking forward to next year's YPAC 2024 which will take place in Kamnik/Slovenia!

Vita Fink, Emma Augusztinyi, 6B


IB Diploma Programme French B Higher Level – Podcast

Programme du diplôme de l'IB Français B niveau supérieur – Podcast

Our Higher Level students face a particular challenge in French: they take the IB French B exam at CEFR level B2. This means that abstract contents have to be worked out factually and with subject specific vocabulary.

We try out different didactical methods to internalise the vocabulary and the world of thought that are prerequisites for the listening, reading and writing competences in the final exams at the end of the Diploma Programme. For example, the topic 'migration'.

The following podcast is based on a 'bande dessinée' in the Oxford IB Diploma Programme French B textbook.

It is about the year 7AB, Flora Gomig, Junghun Jo, Ivo Rungi, Marie-Philine Weben.

Summer school 2023

The Summer School 2023 for AHS (Sek. I) will be held at the BG/BRG Reithmannstraße location in the last two weeks of the holidays (28.8. – 8.9.2923).

The subjects German, Mathematics and English are taught at the lower secondary level.

The summer school provides pupils with the support they need to enter the autumn to start the new school year safely in the autumn.

In order to provide the participating pupils with the best possible support, student teachers teach alongside
experienced teachers.

Aims of the summer school

Repetition of teaching content of one or more previous school years during the free time

Consolidation of teaching content from one or more previous school years in the non-teaching time free time

You will find the details at


The Earth-bake.

In support of the earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria.

On the 21st of February 2023 class 6B, held a bake-sale in order to raise money to support the victims of the tragedy that struck Turkey and Syria leaving 47,000 dead and over a million without housing. We chose to take action as caring young people by baking homemade goods and selling them to our fellow students and teachers. Of course, we didn’t raise all the money just through the bake-sale, but also with the many generous donations received from the teachers and students.

We would all like to personally thank you for all the enthusiasm and support shown to our bake-sale.

Class 6B and their head teacher Ms Lenzi proudly donated the revenue of their Mad Tuesday bake sale to Mag Schuhmacher at the Imperial Palace on Monday, 13th of March. The money will go to the Austrian Red Cross in Syria and Turkey which will support the reconstruction of those villages in both countries most affected by the heavy earthquake on February 6th.

FMK school competition – 3rd place for 1B

“Living in the digital future – our world in 50 years” – this was the motto of a school competition announced by the Forum Mobilkommunikation (FMK) for all classes from the 5th grade upwards. Class 1B was immediately enthusiastic about it and was keen to take part. In several lessons, visions and ideas were collected in small groups, sketches and pictures were drawn, animated on the tablet and some ideas were even recorded on video.
After everything had been submitted, a jury had the difficult task of examining the numerous entries from all over Austria. In the second week of June, the result was finally known: 1B came in an excellent 3rd place and thus earned 150€ for the class account.
On 22 June, a virtual cheque was handed over by FMK, which was editorially accompanied by Regionalmedien Austria. The article can be read here: School competition: Class 1B of the Akademisches Gymnasium Innsbruck wins 3rd place – Innsbruck
By the way: What was particularly interesting about the entries from our class was that all of them had a strong environmental focus. This should give us a positive outlook for the future, not least in view of the current challenges posed by climate change.


Flag Football Schoolbowl 2021/22

On 31 May 2022 the Flag Football Schoolbowl took place at the American Football Centre Innsbruck. Five students from the 1st and 3rd classes of AGI (Eleni, Erika, Isabella, Laura-Sofia and Lucia) also took part, under the guidance of Nicholas Garratt, MA.

After months of practice and despite initial shock in the first tournament because their opponents surprisingly turned out to be boys, the girls were victorious and successfully qualified as one of 6 teams for the second tournament. There they again showed great commitment and were rewarded with a trophy for it.

The students had lots of fun at this event and some of the participants are now thinking about joining the Raiders flag football team or the cheerleaders.






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Our CAS Project – Fundraising for Concordia

We, Veit Auckenthaler, Joah Canazei, Mey Huber, Mark Oyf and Moritz Spöck, are students of the Akademisches Gymnasium in Innsbruck and currently attend Year 11. As we will graduate next year and already have to plan our VWA, our everyday life is very stressful and planned. To bring some variety into our routine and at the same time help children in need, we decided to start a fundraiser project.
When we started thinking about our project, it was mid-October, two months left until December and since Christmas is the time of help and compassion, we decided to create a project that we could do at this time. Unfortunately, because of the Corona pandemic, we could not organize anything outside the school, so we made a charitable cookie sale at school, where all the proceeds went to the charity Concordia. The project ensures that all the proceeds go directly to needy children in the Balkans.
We organized two small “Christmas markets” with homemade cookies, cakes and muffins during the pre-Christmas period. Especially among the younger students this project was very popular and it was more successful than we could have imagined at the beginning. In total we took in almost 500€, with which we hope to provide a lot of help.
This project not only helped children in need, but also gave something back to us, namely many happy hours of work and beautiful memories.

Tirol testet: Appeal to use PCR gargle tests after holiday season to protect others

The end of the Christmas holidays is approaching: while Tyrol's schoolchildren can already be vaccinated and regularly check their current Corona status as part of school testing, there is no set testing regime in kindergartens due to federal requirements. However, not least due to the current intensive infection incidence in Tyrol, the province urgently appeals for regular PCR testing of kindergarten children as well. This is possible by means of a PCR gargle test. Throughout Tyrol, these can be obtained and returned free of charge at numerous locations. “Many kindergarten children cannot yet be protected by vaccination, as these are only available for children over the age of five. The fact is that the virus can spread quickly and easily where many people are in close proximity – also with regard to Omikron. Regular testing can prevent infections from being passed on unnoticed. In addition to pupils filling the Ninja Pass as part of their school day, Covid tests are also essential for kindergarten children to avoid clusters in care facilities,” Health Director Theresa Geley points out that kindergartens themselves are not allowed to act as testing sites due to the current federal legal situation. “We therefore appeal to parents, especially after the holidays and before the community facilities reopen, to take a PCR test with their children – whether of kindergarten or school age – in advance. It is in everyone's interest that educational and care facilities can be kept open,” emphasises Elmar Rizzoli, head of the Corona task force.
Tests were given out free of charge by the government at the beginning of the holidays as part of the Holiday Ninja Pass, the third test of which is intended to be carried out before the start of school.

PCR gargle tests easily available close to home

As soon as children are able to gargle, the PCR gargle test offer in Tyrol is also open to this age group. The gargle test kits can be collected and returned at around 400 MiniM and Baguette branches of MPREIS as well as Eurospar, Interspar and SPAR throughout Tyrol. The test result is available after 24 hours at the latest after the sample has been handed in. The sample is collected from the shops at least once a day according to opening hours at around 10 am. So far, more than 77,000 accounts have been created in the application required for the test and more than 92,500 users have been registered. Several users can be created in one account (for example, for children or people who do not have a smartphone). More than 92,000 PCR gargle tests have already been carried out in Tyrol since mid-December. “The free PCR gargle test offer is available to all people in Tyrol. Take advantage of the offer close to your home in order to detect a possible infection as quickly as possible and thus not risk passing it on,” says Rizzoli. Information on the PCR gargle test offer:

PCR and antigen tests

From January onwards, all pupils will be tested on Mondays with antigen tests and on Wednesdays with PCR and antigen tests.

For the explanatory video provided by the bmbwf and the instructions for testing, please visit

ESF-REACT EU funding project

Teaching-related support services in the area of general secondary schools in the school year 2021/22

Pupils in the 9th grade and/or pupils in the final grades (incl. special forms) make up for learning deficits in general education and/or compulsory subjects that arose in the previous school year due to the COVID19 pandemic in the form of additional lessons.
These lessons can be held as remedial lessons. Pupils can attend these lessons according to their needs. In addition, group sharing in a general education and/or compulsory subjects can also be offered.
This project is funded by the European Social Fund as part of the Union's response to the COVID19 pandemic.

Measures for school operation from 13 December 2021 to 14 January 2022

In the attached document you will find the current decree on school operations from 13 December 2021 in German language.

Advice hotline on Covid vaccination

Since the National Vaccination Committee has recently recommended the Covid vaccination also for children from the age of five, it is of great concern to the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research that a broad range of information and counselling services is available for parents and guardians.
For this reason, the federal school physicians in Tyrol offer telephone counselling on all questions related to the vaccination. A hotline has been set up for this purpose under the telephone number 0676 88508 82301. On school days between 12:00 and 14:00 and between 16:00 and 18:00, a school doctor will answer questions about Covid vaccination in childhood and adolescence. The hotline will go live on Monday, 6.12.2021. Please note that the hotline will not be staffed during the Christmas holidays.

Decision of the BMBWF on school operation during the lockdown

Currently, the following regulations apply:

  1. The school remains open for face-to-face teaching.
  2. Schoolwork and tests will take place.
  3. Antigen and PCR tests will be continued.
  4. Mandatory masks (MNS) are required in Junior Secondary, also in the classrooms and group rooms.
  5. FFP2 masks are compulsory in Upper Secondary.
  6. Pupils may stay at home without a medical certificate. An excuse from the parents is sufficient. However, there will be no comprehensive Distance Learning.

Stay healthy!

Link to the letter from the BMBWF:

UPDATE: COVID-19 regulation from November 15th

We are starting a new security phase from Monday, November 15th. until 27.11. The ordinance of November 11 is no longer valid.

In this safety phase, all pupils take part in the tests (at least 1xPCR; 2x AGT), including those who have been vaccinated (recovery shouldn't, on the recommendation of the laboratories, take part, as their results could still lead to positive results). With this comprehensive testing, positive cases can be detected early and chains of infection can be quickly interrupted – even in the families.
The regulations of risk level III apply to all schools. This means that the pupils as well as the teachers of upper secondary wear an FFP2 mask during this safety phase. In elementary school and junior secondary, the obligation to wear the FFP2 mask only applies until you have taken your seat – then the mask can be removed.
Unfortunately, school events have to be canceled during the two weeks of the security phase, conferences and parenting days take place online – provided they are not postponed.

Important news for the start of the school year

1. Declaration of consent for self-testing in the school year 2021-22

Attention: For the school year 2021-22, a new declaration of consent must be signed for the Covid19 self-tests to be carried out (see form below).

2. Outside of the classrooms, mouth and nose protection is compulsory.

3. Information about the Covid19 vaccination for students from 12 years

Below you will find letters to parents and information and documentation sheets on the Covid19 vaccination in various languages.

Thank you for your support in implementing these measures!

Letters to parents

Declaration of consent for regular self-testing (antigen and PCR tests) in the school year 2021-22

Risk levels and measures

Corona vaccination information and documentation sheet

Donation from Route 66 to AGI

A generous donation was made to the Akademisches Gymnasium Innsbruck in the summer semester. Over 900 Route 66 products, mostly stationery and other school accessories, have been given to our school for charitable use. The AGI would like to thank the donor Tempting Brands Netherlands BV very much and will try to find the best possible use for the products.

Route 66 is a trademark of the Dutch company Tempting Brands Netherlands BV. It is registered and licensed in several countries around the world; the products – such as clothing or stationery – are available in more than 100 countries.

Relaxation of COVID-regulations! Corona update from 14 June 2021

For all classes – no more mask requirements in class

The mask requirement in class for secondary levels I and II ends on Tuesday, June 15. This means that in the classes and group rooms during the lesson, as soon as the seats have been taken, neither FFP2 masks nor MNS must be worn by the students or the teachers. Masks are still required during breaks and when moving through the school building. If teachers or students want to wear a mask for whichever reason, this is of course permitted.

Classes in music and related subjects, as well as exercise and sports

Singing and making music with wind instruments as well as exercise and sport are possible again without wearing a mask, even in closed rooms, as long as the safety distances can be observed and regular ventilation takes place.

Cooperation with people and institutions outside of school

School cooperation is allowed again, i.e. people associated with the school can enter the school building and come into contact with the students while observing the hygiene regulations.

School after the Easter holidays

School operations will continue after the Easter holidays in the current mode:
Shift work continues in the usual way, i.e. the students are divided into groups that are taught face-to-face on two consecutive days. On Friday, all students are generally in non-location-based lessons. Holy Week is counted the same way as a school week.
This means that on Tuesday, 6.4. 2021 Group B will be in school and group A on Wednesday, 7.4. and Thursday, 8.4.21.

Supervision continues as in the last few weeks.

Corona Update

Today Federal Minister Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Faßmann presented the plans for the final exams in the 2020/21 school year and provided information on other important topics. We would like to point out the following particularly relevant points:

- All oral partial exams as well as the presentation and discussion of “final papers” at the Matura again take place on a voluntary basis this school year.

- In the summer semester, there will be not more than one school assignment per subject in all types of schools [and levels].

- As in the previous school year 2019/20, advancement to the next higher school level is possible with one “Nicht genügend”, provided that this subject was positively assessed in the previous year. In the case of two or more “Nicht genügend”, the decision on advancement to the next school level lies with the class conference.

Enclosed you will find the package of measures for the graduating classes.

Classes after the semester break: “shift work” for everyone

Shift work with fixed days of face-to-face lessons and distance learning

Throughout Austria, the upcoming shifts will be staggered uniformly: The classes will be divided into two groups: The students in group A attend school on Monday and Tuesday. Group B students have face-to-face classes on Wednesday and Thursday. On Friday, both groups will be taught in distance learning. In the following week, group B starts on Monday.

Self-tests on Monday and Wednesday before the start of classes

The self-tests are carried out on Monday by students in group A and on Wednesday by students in group B at the start of lessons in the school. Many students have already done the self-test at school and know the process. The testing in the school is supported by the teachers.

Information on self-tests and informed consent for 10-14 year olds

On the website you will find all central information about antigen self-tests in schools. You probably already know the instruction video and the one-page instructions for implementation. As usual, the declaration of consent is also available for download on the website mentioned (also in several languages). If you have not yet sent this to your school, please send it to the school no later than the morning of the first school day after the school break.


For all children who need supervision, there will be learning supervision in small groups from 7:55 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Furthermore, children who do not have a suitable place to study at home can come to school and do their home schooling tasks in small groups. The school is open from 7:10 a.m. PCs, laptops and tablets will be available in the rooms on the 1st floor.
Please register your children for after school care at the following address:
Registrations are requested for the coming week. Short-term registrations are possible until 7.45 a.m. of the respective day.
If you need after school care, we ask you to register the day before by 6:00 p.m. to Please also included the time at which your child should be dismissed.

End of semester and supplementary lessons

Semester report:

Unfortunately, we cannot hand out the semester report as usual on the last day of school before the semester break.
In the semester break ordinance 2021 (C-SeVO 2021) it is regulated for the current school year that the semester report is to be handed over on one of the first two teaching days of the summer semester 2021, i.e. after the semester break.
From Friday, 5 February, pupils of the 4th grade or their legal guardians can pick up the semester report personally and individually at the secretariat, subject to compliance with the hygiene measures.

We hope that we will see all the students back at school after the semester break. Unfortunately, it has not yet been regulated in what form the lessons will be organized after the holidays. As soon as we have more detailed information, it will be announced here and by email.

From the start of the holiday, the pupils can view their grades via WebUntis.

Supplementary classes during the semester break:

The Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research will finance a support offer for children in the form of supplementary lessons during the upcoming semester break. The key points for this are:

You can register your child until 29 January, 2021 using the registration form below. Please send the completed form to

Information about classes from 18 January 2021 (updated 18 January)

The most important information in brief:

Classes from 18 January 2021 to 05 February 2021

From Monday, January 18th, 2021, up to and including (presumably) Friday, February 5th, 2021, the classes will continue in the same mode as this week.

That means: The regulations of the COVID-19 School Regulations 2020/21 (C-SchVO 2021/21) and the decree MBWF GZ 2020-0.834.140, which have been in force since January 7th, 2021 are in effect.

Junior Secondary

Distance learning continues.

For all children who need supervision, there will be learning supervision in small groups from 7:55 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 
Furthermore, children who do not have a suitable place to study at home can come to school and do their home schooling tasks in small groups. The school is open from 7:10 a.m. PCs, laptops and tablets will be available in the rooms on the 1st floor.
Please register your children for after school care at the following address:
Registrations are requested for the coming week. Short-term registrations are possible until 7.45 a.m. of the respective day.
If you need after school care, we ask you to register the day before by 6:00 p.m. to Please also included the time at which your child should be dismissed.

Upper Secondary

Distance learning continues.

In addition and as long as possible, one day per week will be organized as face-to-face teaching for each class. The day of attendance (1st – 6th hour) is generally announced three days in advance on the WebUntis news page.

Self-test information

On the already communicated website, all information for parents and legal guardians is now available for download in several languages.

Happy holidays and a healthy new year!



Dear school community,
an exceptional year is coming to an end. Despite many challenges, you showed incredible effort! Now is the time to sit back and enjoy a few relaxing days with your families.
We wish you happy holidays and a good start into the new year.
Stay healthy!






Information about classes from 07 January 2021

Heinz Faßmann, the Minister for education, announced the most important decisions for school operations on 19 December, 2020 at 9:30 a.m. in a live press conference. Therefore, today we can inform you about the key points for school operations from 07.01.2021:

All schools reopen on Thursday, 07.01.2021.

The following regulations are in effect from Thursday, 07.01. to Friday, 15.01.

1. Junior Secondary

2. Upper Secondary

From today's point of view, from Monday, 18 January, 2021, all classes will be taught face-to-face again.

Information from the Ministry of Education about classes before Christmas

Since yesterday, 17 December, several media report that the schools may be closed from Monday, 21 December, and that the Christmas holidays will start early.
This is a hoax. As planned, the last day of school before the Christmas break is 23 December.

Short information about classes from 07 December 2020

1) Junior Secondary and 8th grade:

Face-to-face lessons are again taking place in compliance with the COVID regulations. These include physical distancing regulations and, for the first time, the obligation to wear a mask in class. Further information can be found in the attached letter from the Ministry of Education.

2) 5th, 6th and 7th grade:

Distance learning will continue, but face-to-face lessons in small groups are also possible; the exact procedure for this will be announced. School work takes place according to schedule.
In addition, one day per week was organized as face-to-face teaching for each class. In WebUntis, the day of attendance (1st – 6th hour) is generally announced three days in advance on the WebUntis news page. Detailed information will be sent to the students by the class teachers.

In the winter term, there is a maximum of one school work in each subject. The school work for all levels was incorporated in accordance with the new specifications and entered accordingly in WebUntis.

Information from the Ministry of Education:

For all schools from lower secondary level – mask requirement in class

In general, a mask is required (see BMBWF letter “Maßnahmen zur Reduktion der COVID-19-Infektionszahlen Unterrichtsbetrieb ab 07. Dezember 2020“).
However, the following simplification measure are possible:

Short information about classes from 17 November 2020

1) Junior Secondary:

Tuesday, 11/17/20 – Friday, 12/4/20: Distance learning
Schoolwork and tests that were scheduled during this period will, if possible, be postponed until after the lockdown. Information on this is provided via Webuntis or the class heads.
For all children who need supervision, there will be learning supervision in small groups from 7:55 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Furthermore, children who do not have a suitable place to study at home can come to school and do their home schooling tasks in small groups. The school is open from 7:10 a.m. PCs, laptops and tablets will be available in the rooms on the 1st floor.
Please register your children for after school care at the following address:
Registrations are requested for the coming week. Short-term registrations are possible until 7.45 a.m. of the respective day.
If you need after school care, we ask you to register the day before by 6:00 p.m. to Please also included the time at which your child should be dismissed.

2) Upper Secondary:

The previous distance learning model will be continued until December 4, 2020.
From today's perspective, there will be an attendance day for the 8th grade on November 18, 2020.

Letter from the Minister for Education - 14. November 2020

INOFFICIAL TRANSLATION – Vienna, 14 November 2020

Dear parents and guardians,

The development of Covid-19 infections has led to the need for another hard lockdown in Austria. In order for the healthcare system to continue to function and to ensure that people in hospitals can be cared for, all areas of society must make a contribution: stores must be closed again, services such as a hairdresser's appointment must not be provided, and contacts in public places and in companies must be avoided by means of a large home office.

The school is also affected by these measures.

From Tuesday, November 17, 2020, there will be only limited operation with learning support at elementary schools, secondary schools, AHS lower grades and polytechnic schools. All children and adolescents who can be cared for at home and who do not have any special support needs should actually stay at home.

However, for all children who need care, there will be learning guidance in small groups. Even children who do not have a suitable place to learn at home can come to school and do their homeschooling in learning stations.

It is especially important to me that those children and young people who have difficulties with individual objects or need special support are well looked after. They will be actively encouraged by the teachers to come to school so that they do not build up a learning backlog and do not lose touch with the class.

From Monday, December 7th, normal school operations will then start again.

You can make an important contribution to ensuring that the lockdown has the desired effect: Please also reduce your private contacts during this time, and please leave your children at home during their free time if possible, even if this is difficult for everyone and is a particular burden for young people.

In the supplement you will find tips and information so that you can manage these three weeks of home schooling well. But one hint is especially important to me: If you or your
If the blanket falls on your child's head, it is best to let your child go back to school temporarily. One or two days are often a great relief.

All further information about home schooling and registration formalities for learning support or learning stations at the location can be obtained directly from your school.

I wish you and your family all the best in these difficult times!


Prof. Dr. Heinz Faßmann
Federal Minister of Education, Science and Research

Due to Covid-19 measures - parent-teacher evening scheduled for 20. November 2020 has been cancelled

Virtual consultation parent teacher appointments

Where possible, please make use of the of virtual consultation hours via e-mail or video conference.

Information about classes from 3 November 2020 from Director Mag. Rosmarie Knoflach MA (Update 3 November)

Mag. Rosmarie Knoflach MA

Director of School
International School Innsbruck
Akademisches Gymnasium Innsbruck

E: Rosmarie Knoflach
T: +4350 902 801 0
F: +4350 902 801 200

Interim head of school Mag. Rosmarie Knoflach MA

Mag. Rosmarie Knoflach MA

Director of School
International School Innsbruck
Akademisches Gymnasium Innsbruck

E: Rosmarie Knoflach
T: +4350 902 801 0
F: +4350 902 801 200

As of November 1, 2020, Mag. Rosmarie Knoflach will take over the interim management of the Akademisches Gymnasium Innsbruck. HR Helmuth Aigner, who has held the position of director up to now, will retire on 31 October 2020.

Rosmarie Knoflach has been teaching English and Geography at the AGI for 25 years. She was instrumental in the further development of the bilingual branch to the International School Innsbruck (ISI). In her function as coordinator of the ISI, she was able to bring about, among other things, the authorization of the school as IB World School.

Knoflach holds a Master's degree in Language Testing from the University of Lancaster since 2013 and has been involved in teacher training (University of Education Tyrol and Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck) and as a member of various working groups in the Ministry of Education.

The school community welcomes Mag. Knoflach in her new function and wishes her a good start as principal!